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Hockay Again 2
Hockay Again 2

 I hope, photo section will appear soon. Photos are prepared. About 3GB!! 
 2003 Jan 6 
 Ya skachal "Lilo and Stitch". Nu vot. 
 2003 Jan 5 
 Happy New Year!!! 
 2003 Jan 2 
 Continue concept pages, gifs and so on! 
 2002 Nov 22 
 New registar, new hosting and whole new world! 
 2002 Nov 19 
 <<Prev| 11-15 | Next>> 

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My name is Alex Feldman. I am 28, single. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York.
Now I work in ISE Inc located in downtown Manhattan as Software Engineer,
before that I worked in small software company. Originally I am from Minsk, Belarus.
I graduated from Belyorussian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

There are some subsites available like subsite of my father or the company he works for.
I like to watch movies and listen to mp3.
But most of the time I spent in front of computers. The recommended sites are on the left.

The major purpose of this site is to share photoalbums.
There are 21049 pictures (with 90924 picture/category) in there and counting...

Family project has been moved to a separate page. But if you want to see my direct ancestors here we go: pdf, color_jpg and bw_jpg.

Heritage page
Compare view page
Updated tree page

Questions, comments - email me at
Yours, Alex Feldman
version 4.0 fa@ 2001-2004