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Hockay Again 2
Hockay Again 2

 The new look of the pages is coming up! 
 2002 Jul 1 
 Changing and taking pictures, watching movie and doing fun! 
 2002 Jun 29 
 My new camera allow me to raise the number of photos. Parents are visiting... Changes at site: auto-generated html builder, great changes in htmls and css... I become like it! 
 2002 May 12 
 Only official pages will be survived! Small changes and started filling, movies and form section are comming. 
 2002 Apr 27 
 Small changes, split the old albums. Yesterday was at Lazousky. The changes will be continued! 
 2002 Feb 3 
 <<Prev| 16-20 | Next>> 

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My name is Alex Feldman. I am 28, single. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York.
Now I work in ISE Inc located in downtown Manhattan as Software Engineer,
before that I worked in small software company. Originally I am from Minsk, Belarus.
I graduated from Belyorussian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

There are some subsites available like subsite of my father or the company he works for.
I like to watch movies and listen to mp3.
But most of the time I spent in front of computers. The recommended sites are on the left.

The major purpose of this site is to share photoalbums.
There are 21049 pictures (with 90924 picture/category) in there and counting...

Family project has been moved to a separate page. But if you want to see my direct ancestors here we go: pdf, color_jpg and bw_jpg.

Heritage page
Compare view page
Updated tree page

Questions, comments - email me at
Yours, Alex Feldman
version 4.0 fa@ 2001-2004