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"Family tree" project become so big, that it requires a separate page. This is it, here you will find almost everything. Since I started the project I found out many things about my extended family and my ancestors and I am glad to share this information.

Basically, every individual "family branch" available in PDF document, color picture or so-called sepia picture. I recommend download PDF on your computer and then look at it.For eveyone who would like to create custom image change anything this is an original file. In order to modify it you need to get Family Tree Maker application.

All-in-one family tree in very small pdf in size, but it has relations more than 400 persons.

Family Branch Document PDF Picture JPG Picture JPG B/W
updated August 20, 2005
~1.1MB ~497KB ~503KB
updated August 20, 2005
~2.4MB ~429KB ~425KB
updated August 20, 2005
~5.9MB ~1.0MB ~1.0MB
updated August 20, 2005
~267KB ~-KB ~-KB
updated December 12, 2004
~0.9MB ~350KB ~343KB
updated August 20, 2005
~884KB ~349KB ~365KB
updated August 20, 2005
~984KB ~342KB ~360KB

By the way, the latest family reunion took place from 4 to 6 September 2004 in Sterling Inn.
Photo report about this event from my camera, from Garik camera and from Polinka camera.

Questions, comments - email me at
Yours, Alex Feldman
version 4.0 fa@ 2001-2004